Our Pencils are Moose: A Look at Classroom “Environment”

Moose Saying
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Doug Brown via Compfight

Last week we pretended our pencils were moose and our classroom a habitat. In the process, we learned some math and science.

You see, we’ve had problems with these cheap-o pencils from WalMart, the ones the kids buy at the Back to School sale at the beginning of the year. Those pencils break and are really difficult to sharpen. The experience of using them can be so frustrating that last week Trysten came to me and wondered whether the cheap pencils were really cheaper than the more expensive, but more durable pencils.

Seizing the moment, we decided to see if we could answer Trysten’s question.

Enlisting the help of my partner’s expertise in biology–Beth is a plant ecologist–we conducted a “mark and recapture”-type experiment. I’m reporting some of the preliminary results and, more importantly, thinking about some of the interesting possibilities that this simple question posed for how I can teach math and science, with possible links to social studies.

The Experimental Design

We imagined our classroom to be a habitat and we imagined that the two kinds of pencils — the more expensive MegaBrands and the cheaper Dixons — were two different populations of animals. We cleared our classroom environment of all other pencils. We “released” 30 new, marked pencils of each brand back into the environment. We took an oath to be good scientists and use the pencils as we normally would, to not favor one pencil over the other because we wanted our experiment to not be biased by our choices. The pencils we released would “roam” around our classroom habitat doing whatever good moose-pencils normally do: draw, write, doodle, and wait patiently to be sharpened.


After a week in the “wild” we “recaptured” our moose-pencils to see if any of them “died” over the week. We also measured the remaining pencils to the nearest 1/10 of a cm to see how “sick or healthy” they were. Would there be a difference in the two groups of pencils?

Measuring to 1/10 of a cm helped us become more solid with both fractions and decimals. The kids were really engaged in that kind of measuring and they not only got a sense of how scientists collect measurement data, but why they need to measure to a high degree of accuracy.

We had to think about how to create a data table and how to record accurate information. Note the delegation of tasks and the use of a white sheet of paper to make measurement more accurate!

We had to think about how to create a data table and how to record accurate information. Note the delegation of tasks and the use of a white sheet of paper to make measurement more accurate!

Students measure pencils carefully to see how "healthy" they are after a week roaming the wilds of our classroom.

Students measure pencils carefully to see how “healthy” they are after a week roaming the wilds of our classroom.

Data Analysis

After measuring, we noticed that the cheaper Dixon pencils seemed shorter as a group. I asked the children how we could compare the two brands to see for sure if one lasted longer than the other. We talked a lot about how to do this; could we compare the biggest only? Each pencil from smallest to largest? The smallest only?

I told them that scientists often have to compare groups with each other just as we are having to do, and suggested that we needed to not just compare individual pencils, but we would need to somehow compare an entire group of pencils with another entire group. How could we do that?

One student, Isaac, mentioned that maybe we could compare the average size of the pencils in each group (or the median). That way we would be comparing all the pencils of one brand (by calculating the mean or median) with all the other pencils of the other brand.

This was a central insight about elementary-level statistics, and considers a question that scientists have to think about all the time! Also, while we have been figuring medians and means for awhile, the children have never actually understood why these values are important. To me, this insight about why scientists need to think about means and medians was one of the best things to come from our experiment.

Here are two pictures of the children figuring out the median pencil size by re-arranging sticky notes with the pencil sizes on them. To do this, we had to think about how to represent the “dead” pencils, and decided that their “health” should be 0.0 cm. They also had to think about simple things like how to construct data tables, and how to incorporate new data into their evolving medians as new research groups added more sticky notes to their growing collection.

Note all the hands actively involved in rearranging the sticky notes. There was a lot of great conversation. Students in the back were beginning to notice patterns between the two data sets.

Note all the hands actively involved in rearranging the sticky notes. There were a lot of great conversations. Students in the back were beginning to notice patterns between the two data sets.

Even re-arranging the sticky notes required the children to think through an organized way to do this evolving task as new data was coming as research groups completed their measuring.

Even re-arranging the sticky notes required the children to think through an organized way to do this evolving task as new data was coming as research groups completed their measuring.

Our results showed average pencil size of 13.3 cm for the MegaBrands (1 “death”) and 10.2 cm for the Dixons (four “deaths.)

Next Steps

Next, we will graph our data. We still haven’t decided how to figure out whether the cheaper pencils are actually cheaper. As one child asked: What if the cheap pencils were only a penny, but broke very easily, and the others were $1,000 but lasted a long time. Maybe it would still be cheaper to buy the cheap pencils.

Perhaps we will have to figure out how to use our “mark and recapture” data to predict when all of pencils will “die.” We will also need to gather information about price differences between the two pencils. Then we’ll probably need to compare our “death rates” with the difference in price. This will be difficult for the kids to imagine as they haven’t had experience with graphs as “predictors” of outcomes before, but I think the fact that they have now “lived” the experience of using the pencils, and have seen the differences in lengths that resulted from those days in the wild, that when we graph the data they will see how graphs render those differences visually. Perhaps then the children may be ready to draw a line on a graph down to zero and understand how a graph might help us understand a future event.

Finally, if the kids are interested, I’d love to turn this experiment into a look at how pencils are made and at the way consumer goods (and consumer choices) are influenced by price, which is influenced by the sourcing of the pencil wood and lead material, and probably also the labor costs. Where do the leads and woods for the cheaper Dixon pencils come from? This could be a fascinating way to look at global trade, the sourcing of raw materials, and the effect of labor cost on the manufacture of consumer goods.



Uncovering Misconceptions in Math: More on Decimals

In a recent post I talked about how difficult decimals are to learn. I asked the kids to explore the place value and fraction qualities of decimals by dividing a meter into 1/10, 1/100, and 1/1,000.

Well, I checked back to see how well those ideas were understood. I’m glad that I did because those conversations revealed an interesting way that a small number (5 of 21 in my class) had “encoded” the learning that we did that day.

Here’s the problem that I gave the kids: Pablo ran 9/10 of a mile in gym class. Walter ran 0.92 miles. Who ran farther. Explain your reasoning.

Most of the children identified Walter’s distance as longer, explaining that they were close, but that Walter ran 2/100 (0.02) of a mile farther. This showed some good grasp of the notion of place value in decimals. Here are a couple examples of that line of thinking.

A clear explanation of the difference between the two distances.

A clear explanation of the difference between the two distances.

Another fairly clear explanation of the difference in distances.

Another fairly clear explanation of the difference in distances. This one doesn’t identify the difference as clearly as the above example, but still shows good understanding of decimal place value.

However, several students appeared to have internalized the concept that the farther to the right from the decimal a numeral is, the smaller the piece was. So, for example, they had been impressed by the “smallness” of the 1/100 compared to the 1/10, the smallness of the 1/1,000 compared to all the other parts of a meter we looked at.

But, the students hadn’t deeply understood the idea of what that means in terms of place value, so they had formed a fuzzy understanding that any number that has numerals farther to the right must be smaller because the pieces are smaller.

In addition to this fuzzy thinking about relative piece size, their explanations contained a general sense that decimals were surprising, so the “normal rules” did not apply  to the right of the decimal point. In fact, by listening to their explanations, decimals were almost mirror images of “normal numbers,” a term this group used often in conversation. In this world, numbers that appear large (like 1/1,000) actually represent very small pieces. It is only one small step to assume that all numbers that appear larger are actually smaller.

Here are some examples of that kind of thinking. Notice they overlook the central idea of place value and substitute the misconception that decimals don’t follow the normal rules, so large numbers are actually smaller than small numbers.

Notice the discussion of the size of pieces, without incorporating place value concepts.

Notice the discussion of the size of pieces, without incorporating place value concepts.

Again, this explanation highlighted the idea of piece size, rather than place value concepts.

Again, this explanation highlighted the idea of piece size, rather than place value concepts.

All of this shows that while getting answers right or wrong is important in math, understanding the origins of student misconceptions and the function they serve for the learner’s developing understanding is crucial for the teacher’s next steps.

What we did on Thursday and Friday was explore the concept of place value, drawing and modeling what 92/100 vs. 9/10 (90/100) looked like, while still maintaining the notion that 1/100 of anything results in smaller pieces than 1/10.


Reflection as a Goal–Our (First) Weekly Video Update Project

Dreaming Lush Green Grass and Spring Sunsets
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: DCSL via Compfight

Today I posted a short-ish video to my classroom blog site, an update of our week together that I talked about in this post that turned into a reflection about some of the struggles I have when I teach reading.

Now I’m going to show you our first video and to reflect on our learning goals for this project. The video is embedded at the end of this post.

The Rationale

I had learned about Tony Sinanis’ video updates from Jericho, NY through George Couros’ blog. I thought this idea might offer me a way to address some fundamental beliefs, beliefs that have been in the back of my mind for some time but that I have not been able to imagine how to bring to light.

First, I believe that we learn better when we are mindful of what we are doing, which applies to me as well as the kids I teach. One way we could become more mindful, I felt, was for us to assume the responsibility for gathering evidence of our learning over a relatively short period of time, and to think about how to present a piece of that evidence to ourselves and to others. It made sense to get students involved in this kind of thinking. Perhaps it might develop in them the habit of thinking (and documenting) their own growth, and it might help me focus our learning as I see how they respond to what we’ve done.

Also, I believe that schools (including me and the classroom that is my responsibility) don’t open our doors quite far enough to parents and the community. I thought that a video might humanize our classroom, it might capture some of the ways that kids think, talk, and act. By doing that, our classroom might feel just a little more comfortable, open, and inviting, even if parents and interested others wouldn’t necessarily be able to come into the classroom to see what we are doing.

The Process

At the beginning of the week I showed the kids some videos that Mr. Sinanis created with the kids in his school. We talked about what the videos did, what they felt like, and what we could tell about the people and the school from the videos. We cited evidence from the videos for our ideas. You might say that we read Mr. Sinanis’ videos closely. How uncommonly Core-y. 🙂

Next, I told the kids that I had identified four academic areas where significant learning would happen during our week together. I made those choices, but, later, perhaps the kids could do some of that brainstorming, too. For the first video, though, I thought it would be easier for me to set those areas for the kids.

After that, we got volunteers to take on one of those areas, to chart what had happened during the week, and to write a short bit about what he or she had done or seen others do. (That writing part didn’t happen as much as I would have liked, but we’ll work on it. I think it might be crucial to my goal of mindfulness.) Each child got to pick a helper for the project, too, someone he or she could talk to about what had happened. This talk and charting, which happened a lot more than the writing, occured during the freer portions of our literacy block time.

Later in the week I gave the kids a sheet with questions designed to generate a story or two  about the week. I’m going to revise that sheet into question stems for next week. The sheet wasn’t as universally useful as I had hoped, but showed some promise.

Finally, on Friday I conducted short thinking conferences with the partnerships so we could discuss what they had noticed and thought. We planned their presentations and practiced talking to each other. Then, at the end of the day, while the other kids were working on creating cards for a Veteran’s Day project, we recorded the video in the hallway.

While the video isn’t a work of art, I think it will be well received by the parents in the classroom.

Have you done anything like this? What has been your experience?

Metaphors are Windows

Monte Sibilla as seen from Montefortino, Italy

Friday morning started with our usual Poetry Friday celebration. We read Laura Purdie Salas’ wonderful poem “How is a Meadow an Ocean?” from the Poetry Friday Anthology, K-5 edition.


by Laura Purdie Salas www.laurasalas.com

by Laura Purdie Salas

Then we tried making metaphors, just to play with the concept. At first, they came out kind of literal:

A pencil is a piece of wood with some lead inside.

A marker is a tube with color inside.

A carpet is a rug that lies flat on the floor.

But soon we warmed up to the idea by starting a metaphor, and then figuring it out as we went.

A book is…a bucket…filled with words.

A window is…an eye…that sees the world beyond.

A clipboard is…a tugboat…that hauls around our ideas.

Each time we built a metaphor, we learned a little something about the thing we described, and also a little something about ourselves. We laughed. We stroked our gray beards. We pondered.

*     *     *     *     *

Late in the day we read more from our class read aloud, Katherine Applegate’s,  The One and Only Ivan. It was Friday. We were tired. We came upon this passage. The children listened quietly as I read. They sensed the gravity of the moment.


We got very quiet. We listened. We thought.

We got very quiet. We listened. We thought.

Caleb: Oh. That’s sad.

Me: Tell me more.

Caleb: The vine breaks…the vine breaks….its like Ivan’s memory of the jungle and his family, his mom and dad and his sister. It’s broken.

Me: The vine is broken…

I hear you saying that the author used a metaphor to help us understand and feel what Ivan must be feeling. Is that right?

Caleb: Yeah. I guess.

Me: Can you say that metaphor so I can understand better what you mean? The vine is Ivan’s past, his love for his family?…So…Ivan’s memory, his love, is a vine that…

Caleb: …snapped and…left him alone, and he doesn’t have any hope anymore…nothing to hang on to.


Me: …nothing to hang on to.

Serena: I thought that part meant Tag died, ’cause it said that part about her not seeing him anymore. I thought that meant she died when the vine holding her snapped.

Me: So…life, Serena, Tag’s life? Life is a vine?

Serena: Yeah.

Me: So…help me understand…Life is a vine that…

Serena: …breaks…too soon sometimes.


Me: Life is a vine…that breaks too soon sometimes…

And sometimes when the vine rips apart, when we lose people or things that are important to us, it can feel hopeless, right? Have you ever felt that way when you lost something or someone really important to you? It might feel like we’ll never be the same again. It might feel like we have nothing left to hang on to.

Tag’s vine snapped. Ivan can’t hang on to what he loved. What will he do? What will we do when we lose things important to us?

Maybe reading about Ivan’s struggle can help us understand our own? Is that possible? That fiction can teach us about life? Will Ivan find a vine to hold onto again?

Metaphors are windows that open to the heart.

Traces of Learning: Place Value and Decimals

Raven's Canvas
Photo Credit: Mike Beauregard via Compfight

Here’s the barest trace of learning for both the kids and me, like animals tracks on the snow.

How to teach decimals to fourth graders?

Decimals are both fractions and part of the normal place value system. Yet, I’ve found that decimals don’t fit neatly into either category. For example, if taught as a fraction of a whole (which they are), decimals require that kids deeply understand the idea of division of a UNIT (1) into 10 equal parts (for 10ths), and that smaller part into 10 equal parts (for 100ths), and on and on into ever smaller chunks of a whole unit.

The only real experience they’ve had with 10s is in school as the concept of place value, which is most often learned as a grouping concept not a division concept. Ten is a group of ten ones, 100 is a group of 10, tens (or 100 ones), etc.

Kids’ lived experience with division of objects is as objects divided into 1/2s, not 10ths. Cookies, pies, candy bars all get divided in half (or 1/2 again to make 1/4ths). The kids have a hard time transferring what they know about lived-fractions to  seeing 10ths as fractions.

More problems with teaching decimals.

Even though decimals are an extension of the concept of place value, they don’t fit very well there, either. Sure, each place that you go to the left on a number is 10x more than the place to the right, and that includes the decimal region of a number, too!

When I taught the connections between place value and decimals this week, I tried to emphasize this connection to place value by having the kids write series of numbers that contained decimals: 2.89, 2.90, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 2.94, etc. The kids got it that this is just like any other kind of counting, but there is a decimal point added into the number. Each numeral to the left is 10 times the numeral to the right, and it doesn’t matter that a decimal point intervenes.

But when you get to the decimal side of the number, things get a little confusing for kids, if they think about place value. For example, when we count whole numbers everything is said as the total number of ONES, e.g. 345 is three hundred forty-five ONES. Kids learn this logic when they learn the number system.

However, when you start adding decimals, the UNIT itself appears to change. For example, the number 23.4 (23 and 4 tenths) has TENTHS as the last unit said. The number 23.45 (23 and 45 hundredths) has HUNDREDTHS as the last unit said. To say a number with a decimal component requires the speaker to alter the final word of the number (Tenths? Hundredths? Thousandths?) based on the place value of the decimal. That’s very confusing for kids.

So, what to do?

This week I started talking about decimals differently and I am trying to get the kids to say decimals differently, too. Instead of saying 23.45 as twenty-three and forty-five hundredths (which de-emphasizes the single UNITARY focus of a number), I’m trying to adopt a way of talking that re-emphasizes the UNITARY focus of numbers; I’m trying to say this: “twenty-three full (whatever the units are) and forty-five hundredths of one more.” My hope is that this language will help kids see that the number still revolves around declaring the amount of a single unit, except that the decimal side allows us to talk about units that aren’t complete.

Also, I thought the kids needed to get more experience tying the concept of division to the idea of place value so they could see that place value is more than just assembling groups of 10, but can also be dividing groups into 10ths.

So, we cut a paper tape into meter lengths. I asked the children to create other pieces of tape to lengths that were 1/10th, 1/100th, and 1/1000th of a meter. The goal was to give the kids experience with division into 10ths (to increase their lived experience of 10ths division, if you will) and also to help the kids get a visual, emotional sense of how the larger the denominator, the smaller the piece.

We’ll need to do more of this kind of division activity to help the children get a lived experience of division into 10ths, and how quickly small this process brings us.

Dividing a meter into 10ths, 100ths, and 1,000ths. Things get small, quickly!

Dividing a meter into 10ths, 100ths, and 1,000ths. Things get small, quickly!

1 meter 0.1 m , 1/10 m 0.01m, 1/100 m 0.001m, 1/1,000 m

1 meter
0.1 m , 1/10 m
0.01m, 1/100 m
0.001m, 1/1,000 m


A Classroom Experiment in Ebook Publishing

Pen to Paper
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: mbgrigby via Compfight

Over at my classroom blog I’ve been experimenting with ebook publishing. I know from my own writing that having an audience is pretty important for both the quality and quantity of my work. The same goes for kids, but maybe even more so. I’ve heard kids say things like this: “I’d like to make this revision to make my work better, but I know that I’ll have to re-copy more words, and I don’t want to do that!”

It is tough to hear that sentiment, especially when they and I know that revision can actually be kind of fun. Once the first writing is “done”, tweaking and re-tweaking gives more fun per unit of time, less “where am I going with this piece”, and the product just gets better and better. But, the old chemistry student in me knows that the energy of activation (1) is difficult to surmount.

So, what are the options? One is to make the writing and re-writing easier. However, many of the students can’t type very well yet and we don’t have enough computers in our classroom to make that feasible. Another option would be to use some dictation programs so the students could speak and the computer would type, but I haven’t found any that work all that well, and the number of computers is still an issue. A third option is to make the final product more interesting and “public” so the incentive to focus on one piece and take it toward betterment is a superb final product and an audience that cares. If those were the outcomes, then the costs in time and frustration might be worth the benefits of that finished product.

We’ve always created books and shared them with each other, but lately I’ve been thinking about ebooks as another option. I explored several apps and websites, and finally decided on the Calameo website. It offered features that I wanted, and didn’t offer very many downsides (that I can tell.) I know there are other options out there. I will continue to explore.

Here are the features I wanted.

  • Ability to create a free account;
  • To share across several platforms;
  • Doesn’t require a log-in to read;
  • Can upload from a .pdf. (This was super important for me because then I can scan books on the copy machine and simply upload them from my computer. Very little file management, or even drag and drops.)
  • Gave the “feel” of an ebook. In other words, it should have page turning and the look of an ebook.

Of course, I write along with the kids and use much of my writing (and my process) as a model for them. The image below will bring you to a story I wrote and illustrated. Click through to the ebook if you’d like to see what it looks like! This is what I’ll show the kids. Do you think your kids would be interested in this kind of thing? Are you already using ebooks? What has been your experience?

Catching a Northern, cover


(1) energy of activation. The amount of energy needed to initiate a chemical reaction. Chemists know there are two ways to make a reaction occur more easily. One, lower the energy of activation by using a catalyst of some sort. (Writing analogy? Maybe typing, or dictation software?) Two, increase the energy put into the system so it overwhelms the tendency for nothing to happen. (Writing analogy? That’s the ebook idea!)

Learning Math, Math and Learning

Deep Down Inside, We All Love Math T-Shirt Design
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: _Untitled-1 via Compfight

For some time I’ve been thinking about how to get more real-world math in our classroom. Our school district uses the Everyday Math program and I’ve been sometimes surprised at how little “everyday” there is to go along with the “math.”

We have participated in Franki Sibberson’s Solve It Your Way challenge, which the kids have really enjoyed. This month asked the question: Who in your family jumps the highest? We decided to use this as a whole class activity AND also as a way to practice some data collection and analysis skills we are learning in math class.

We moved through a scientific processes assuming Franki’s question as our own. We created a hypothesis, and thought a bit about how we would conduct the experiment so we could develop a list of materials to gather.  That’s where the thinking got interesting. We generated a list of materials — yardstick, jumpers, flat space, data table — but we had a difficult time thinking about how we could collect accurate data since a jump happens so quickly.

I had an idea that we might be able to use a video camera to slow the jump speed down, but I didn’t want to come right out and tell the kids that; I wanted them to grapple with the dilemma for awhile.

We talked about several ways we could collect data, including having someone lie on the floor and try to figure out how far up the yardstick children could jump. (That seemed hard to do since jumps happened so quickly.) We thought about extending our arms up a wall, measuring that extension, then jumping with something to put a mark against the wall. We’d subtract the jump mark from the non-jump mark. (I thought that was a pretty elegant solution to the problem since it wouldn’t rely on fast looking but on using mathematical differences. We could accurately measure the distances, too!) The problem with that solution, though, was we didn’t think we’d do our best jumping while trying also to make marks on a wall, so this method wouldn’t be an accurate measurement of our jumping abilities.

Next, I mentioned that we had some technology we could add to the mix, for instance we could add digital photography since I had both kinds of cameras in the room, and would that make a difference in how we designed the experiment?

The kids grappled with the implications of this new information. (“Maybe we could try to take a picture of the highest point of the jump?” But from their experience taking digital still photos, others said that wouldn’t be an easy thing to do.) Finally, one boy thought we might be able to try slow motion video. Others agreed. And that’s how we got our idea to create a video of our jumping.

When we looked back on the video we made, it was too hard to see the inch marks on the ruler so we re-jumped with inch marks clearly marked on a roll of tape paper. (An example of how scientists sometimes learn from our “failures.”) That change helped quite a bit! We were able to play the slow motion video until each jumper was at the top of the jump, stop the motion, and suspend the jumper in mid-air. (By the way, this was hilarious, seeing us all suspended in the air like that!)

What I learned from this — and what some of the children learned as well — was how closely connected the need for accurate data collection is to the design of the experiment. If flexible thinking is one goal of our learning together, then this was a good example of how we could achieve that outcome. We had to think how our materials and our need to slow down the act of jumping, which influenced how we did our experiment.

And this backward/forward type thinking reminded me of the work that we are trying to do in literacy as well, to be aware of the whole, rather than just the parts. There is no single, straight path to a solution, rather we hack our way through the jungle.

So, finally, here’s a short (3:22) video of our attempt to answer the question.

How We Learn: On Noticing and Being Mindful

Here’s a re-blog of a post about learning from our classroom blog.

I’ve been thinking about learning this year. The first post I wrote about learning and the jungle of our classroom, and the second was another re-blog from our classroom website.

— — — —

At the end of the day we came back to our exploration of how we think. We reminded ourselves about how important it is to build our bank of experiences through perseverance, curiosity, reading, trying new things, building stuff, and travel.

Experience is really important! How do we get more of it??

Experience is really important! How do we get more of it??

But experience is not enough to learn well and deeply.

The second crucial step to deep learning is to notice, to pay attention, or to be “mindful” of what we experience. By noticing, or being “mindful” of what we experience, we can bring those experiences into our working memory (which I likened to a work bench.) On the work bench we pile all of the things we might need to make something new. Our experiences are some of the pieces we’ll need to complete the building project. Only the experiences we notice can be placed on the table. The others go directly to the trash.

We learn by noticing, by being mindful.

We learn by noticing, by being mindful.

To illustrate this, we first talked about how there are many things we experience but that we don’t notice; for example, the push of the chair against our bodies, the brush of air against our faces from the ventilation system, the sounds of the lights and the exhaust fans, the beating of our own hearts.

There are also many things that once they are brought to our attention, we find difficult to put out of our minds. For example, try to tell someone they can’t scratch their nose and then scratch yours.

Finally, we realized that there were times that we might have experienced something, even heard it, but it didn’t sink in far enough to help us learn it. This happens often when we are tired, or our mind has begun to wander to other things, or when we are concentrating on something else, like reading or thinking! Minds are hard to control! It takes a lot of effort!

To help illustrate how paying attention (noticing) is both difficult and important for learning, I had the students watch the famous selective attention video about the players passing the basketball. Our job was to count the number of times the team in white shirts passed the ball. If you haven’t seen it, take a minute and a half to watch it.

We played the video again to notice the gorilla and count the ball, which we could do better because we were more familiar with the project, and our attention had been directed toward both the gorilla and the ball passing.

Finally, we talked about how noticing things helps us notice other things. I mentioned that if you would ask a kindergartener to describe a rock, they might not have much to say. All rocks look alike to most kindergarteners. They would probably only know that it was hard, or maybe that some rocks have fossils.

But to a fourth grader who has studied rocks, all rocks do not look the same. Fourth graders know that rocks have a story they can tell if we look closely at them. Some rocks have large crystals, some small. Some are hard, some are soft. Some have different colored minerals in them. Some have evidence of gas bubbles (igneous origin), others have sand and sediment (sedimentary), and still others have smaller crystals or ribbon like bands in them (metamorphic). I told them that from now on, perhaps even for the rest of their lives, they will look at rocks a different way than they had before because they have spent the time to notice, to be mindful, to look like a scientist.

And this reminded us of how Austin, a first grader who drew a butterfly, was able to notice, with the help of his classmates, how a butterfly actually looks in real life, not just in his head. He was able to “look like a scientist.” This video is well-worth the six and a half minutes to watch.

Noticing, being mindful, being alert to the world around us can change our lives!



Learners Gain Experience

Here’s a window inside the 4-P classroom. As I wrote about in an earlier post, we’ve been talking about how people learn.

This is a re-blog from my classroom blog.

Jamba on the windshield
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Martin LaBar via Compfight

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been offering the children a look inside their learning brains. No, we haven’t actually lifted up anyone’s scalp to peer inside, but we have explored some of the things I learned about learning while reading Dan Willingham’s wonderful book, Why don’t students like school?

I promised them a look at how people learn so they could be more conscious of the kinds of habits that good learners possess.

First, we started off with this poster that I created (based on Willingham’s book.)

How do we get all that new stuff inside our head?

Our big question was this: How do I get all that new stuff out there, all the way inside my head so I can learn it well?

It turns out that curiosity didn’t kill the cat after all, but it does make us good learners. To even begin learning something we have to somehow experience it. The more we experience, the more chance we have to learn.

Experience is really important! How do we get more of it??

Experience is really important! How do we get more of it??

As the days went by we talked about how we could make sure we had more experiences so our “bank” of experiences was bigger. We generated a list of things we could do, or ways we could be, that would help us gather good experiences from which to learn:

  • Develop “stick-to-it-tiveness” (persistence / perseverance.) If we stick with something, even though it is hard we might learn new things. Quitting something too early cuts off our experience, and only opens us up to experiences that are easy for us, which usually means we already know a lot about them in the first place. New stuff just is hard. There’s no way around it!
  • Read a lot. We realized that readers can “experience” more of the world than non-readers because they are able to multiply their experiences by all the experiences they have through the books they read. They can learn about things they have never seen, or about things they have never experienced in real life.
  • Travel. We can go new places with a mind that is open to the new-ness of that place. This could be going to some place as far away as China, or as close-by as the creek or Niagra Cave.
  • Try new things. We can search out new things to try. Maybe there is a sport, or a book, or a game, a place, or a person that we would like to get to know better. By searching these out, we can grow our own brains, and become good learners.
  • Build things. We can build things to help us learn how things work. Children talked about Lego-League, or building bridges, or “building” imaginative places around the house or at recess. These are all ways to explore how things work together to make something whole.
  • Develop curiosity. A lot of this comes down to developing a curious and attentive mind. Curious people are good learners.

In the next few weeks, we’ll be talking more about the habits and characteristics we can develop to help ourselves become the best learners we can be. This is a nice start!

About Jungles and Maps and How we Learn

Railroad weeds
Photo Credit: Kevin Dooley via Compfight

After a slow, hot start our year is picking up some momentum (if not speed). If you were to observe a year in our classroom you would notice that it is not much like a train ride, all clearly marked, well tracked, and powerfully focused. No locomotive of learning surges ever forward following the straight track of knowledge.

Rather, our classroom might have a jungle-like quality, much like what I imagined while listening to an audiobook this summer called The lost city of Z: A tale of deadly obsession in the Amazon. Z is a fascinating tale of late 19th/early 20th century explorers, in particular one named Percy Fawcett, who literally hacked their way through the jungle, tripping over roots, re-routing ’round rivers, and dealing with all the sundry obstacles that stood in their way (there’s some fascinating description of the numerous insects that find human blood delicious, for instance!)

Another day in the jungle
Photo Credit: Thomas Frost Jensen via Compfight

Our learning year is probably more like that jungle! Tangled and slow.

So, knowing that about myself as a teacher — my preference for immersion over toe-testing; of wholeness over  the”part-ness” of things, of the tangle over the path — I figured I needed to provide the students with some simple models to ground the work we would do throughout the year.

One model I thought might help was a model of how our brain learns new things. I figured that if they knew that, if they knew the big picture of learning, then it might be easier to understand their current position in the jungle. Sort of the way a map provides context and direction.

Which brings me to another book I read this summer, Dan Willingham’s Why don’t students like school? I’m a fan of books that describe how the brain works: How we decide and Thinking, fast and slow are two that made an impression on me. Dan Willingham’s book helped me see how learning happens because it happens to be about learning.

So, this summer, I created a simplified version of Willingham’s model for the students. I suppose it is also for me, to serve as a reminder of what I shouldn’t forget. My plan is to hang it on the wall, refer to it often, and see if it helps the kids learn how to learn.

Here’s how I introduced it:

Learning is a complicated process that happens inside our brains. What’s too bad about learning is that it’s kind of hard to do well. It can sometimes take a lot of effort. What’s cool about learning is that you get to create your own smartness. Also, learning can be really fun. That means if you want to learn a lot, you can! And by learning a lot, it makes it easier to learn more stuff. Learning is kind of cool, that way.

I’m going to help you figure out how the brain learns things so you can control your own learning better.

So here’s the question, kids: There’s a lot out there that happens in this big old world of ours. Interesting stuff. Important stuff. Hard stuff. Easy stuff. How do we learn about it? How do we put that new stuff in our memory so we’ll remember it for a good long time? How do we change our own brain so it can keep getting smarter and smarter?

Then I showed them a diagram of the question and promised we’d fill in the blanks eventually. But, it might take awhile. We’ll linger on the steps so they really sink in.

The big question: How do we learn?

The big question: How do we learn?

We talked a bit about that problem: How do we get something that’s completely outside yourself far enough inside yourself so that it becomes a part of you, so you really, really know it? We explored how they learned things in the past to the level of being pretty expert at the activity: throwing and catching a ball; talking; walking, then running; math facts; riding a bike…lots of things.

At the root of all of those learning experiences was exactly that: experience! A learner has to experience something in order to learn it, which brought up the second poster.

It all starts with experience!

It all starts with experience!

So, it all starts with experience. If we don’t experience something, we can’t learn it. Even though there’s more to learning than just experiencing something, without experience there can be no learning.

What does this mean for us as learners? What are the implications? We explored this for awhile.

We need to cast our net widely to gather up as much experience as we can. There are lots of ways to do that. We gave examples from our own lives about how we helped ourselves experience more things: we went interesting places; we asked questions when we didn’t understand; we tried things we didn’t know how to do; we sought to gain courage from others and from inside ourselves to do those things that are difficult.

We talked about attitudes that help us to experience more things. For instance, being curious about all sorts of things allows us to explore and experience more. Being open to failure and what it might teach us might keep us from too quickly saying — “I’m not good at that, that’s why I don’t do it.” — an attitude that closes us off from experiences that might be difficult but important. Reading a lot, or watching the news, opens us up to experiences that we don’t have directly.

As an example, I asked who knew about Diana Nyad, the swimmer who swam from Cuba to the US? Two kids had heard of her and could fairly accurately explain to the others what she had done. I asked the children if they had been there, actually experiencing Nyad’s swim. They laughed and said, of course not! But they had heard about her swim on the news and were curious enough about it that they watched and listened and learned.

I told them about how I learned things from books and the news all the time. I learned important things about the world around me; about life and how to live it well. I told them that people who read a lot make themselves smarter because they are able to add many, many things to their bank of experiences, things they never would have been able to experience in any other way.

I know we’ll explore those issues as we continue to explore why people read.

So, we’re part-way into our exploration about how people learn. We have a couple more steps to go, but already I’m seeing that this exploration might be able to ground our discussion about how learning is helped by growth-oriented attitudes toward learning, attitudes like curiosity and wonder, perseverance, accuracy and exactness, the ability to listen, and to regulate oneself. I’ll introduce these in the next few weeks and we will explore these habits as the year goes along.

Machetes ready? Into the jungle we go.

Habits for STrong Learners_poster