Changes Next Year

Starting Sequence
Photo Credit: Harald Hoyer via Compfight

For me the school year has come to an end. The kids have all gone and my classroom is a mess. Well, it’s always a mess, but now more so than usual. Packing boxes are half full, and cupboards are half empty.

Next year holds a couple of changes. First, I am moving to fourth grade for two years. Two large classes mean that we will need an extra teacher in fourth grade. That teacher will be me! I am excited about the change: new things to learn, somewhat older students with different capabilities, new literature, math, science, and social studies to learn. I have been in third grade for about seven years, which is two years longer than I have been in any one job for my entire life! Time to shake it up a bit. I am a restless learner, I guess.

Second, to really spice things up, I am going to apply for National Board Certification, as that is a next logical step for me to grow as a professional. Perhaps I shouldn’t announce that intention? How embarrassing if I don’t succeed! Well, I’m assuming that I will be using this blog to think through ideas, try out reflections, and redo lessons anyway. If I’m not successful then at least I will have learned something new! And, I’m counting on your support, prodding, and critique as next year gets underway.

So, however clunky and aerodynamically unsound, this beetle will spread his ungainly wings and take to the air!

3 thoughts on “Changes Next Year

  1. I’ll be your sounding board/cheerleader!

    I considered going for National Board Certification, but decided that having a book published was enough for me!

    • You know, about the NBC process…? I think the root of it is being connected to others who are thinking about how to teach better, reflecting on one’s own practice, and trying something new. I can’t think of anyone who embodies those qualities more than you! You’ve somehow been able to carve out a place for those things via your blog, colleagues, the PF folks, and the Choice Literacy folks, (and probably others I don’t know about! Cool beans.

      • 🙂

        How did you know that “cool beans” is one of my signature verbal high-fives! Love that we share that!

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